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Exploring the metaverse together:
Using hand-coded spaces with 3D objects and Twitch live events alongside a large handpainted pink forest, computer game inspired soundtrack, and chatboxes.
1. PERSON AND THE OTHERNESS OF NATURE: Curated show from an open call to explore the potential for creating new networks and connections; a space to think about what we are in relation to artworks, different environments, and the Earth.
Fifteen artworks that sit together, each housed inside a virtual cube, offering multiple artistic reflections in various media including video, painting, performance, collage and photography, in response to the urgent condition of ourselves to nature.
2. OPEN FRAGMENT: Curated exhibition as an experiment in open ended curatorship: where every person who submitted work would be accepted. Coming from all over the world, the artworks of over 200 artists were exhibited in the pink, virtual forest where the visitors encounter these images on a tree, a bush, a rock.
The exhibition asks questions about inclusivity, empathy, connection, and value in art and exhibitioning. Open Fragment is about experimenting with the chance outcome of the interconnectedness of the internet open call. It is about how we utilise the amorphous space of the metaverse, in that its tentacles reach out through the millions of wifi hubs around the globe with varying speeds and varying accessibility
Both of these exhibitions made efforts to create a sense of liveness and connectedness.
Alongside this working with blockchain and NFT releases have developed towards future iterations of these curatorial experiments to criticaly examine the potential for equity and change in the new developments of web3.
Using hand-coded spaces with 3D objects and Twitch live events alongside a large handpainted pink forest, computer game inspired soundtrack, and chatboxes.
1. PERSON AND THE OTHERNESS OF NATURE: Curated show from an open call to explore the potential for creating new networks and connections; a space to think about what we are in relation to artworks, different environments, and the Earth.
Fifteen artworks that sit together, each housed inside a virtual cube, offering multiple artistic reflections in various media including video, painting, performance, collage and photography, in response to the urgent condition of ourselves to nature.
2. OPEN FRAGMENT: Curated exhibition as an experiment in open ended curatorship: where every person who submitted work would be accepted. Coming from all over the world, the artworks of over 200 artists were exhibited in the pink, virtual forest where the visitors encounter these images on a tree, a bush, a rock.
The exhibition asks questions about inclusivity, empathy, connection, and value in art and exhibitioning. Open Fragment is about experimenting with the chance outcome of the interconnectedness of the internet open call. It is about how we utilise the amorphous space of the metaverse, in that its tentacles reach out through the millions of wifi hubs around the globe with varying speeds and varying accessibility
Both of these exhibitions made efforts to create a sense of liveness and connectedness.
Alongside this working with blockchain and NFT releases have developed towards future iterations of these curatorial experiments to criticaly examine the potential for equity and change in the new developments of web3.